Why you should Travel to India?

“Go over the mountains or into the oceans or maybe get lost in the woods, perhaps this the way you will become a traveler”

Wake up, work, sleep, repeat. Isn’t it a way too monotonous? But this is what most of the people do and thus, are into stressful life. Get an escape from this routine and travel as far as you can. Wake up in forest paradise, see the glaciers, listen to waves hitting the shore and seek other souls.

Traveling: A voyage to find the hidden self

We have a norm that traveling is just visiting a new place and its sightseeing. No! Traveling is way more than that. For every place you travel to, you meet new people, you make new friends, you gather memories and experience. Traveling is a therapy to kick off your depression. You learn to appreciate the wonders of nature. Traveling makes your life quite adventurous. Here is the list of reasons why you should never say a NO! to traveling.

  • To travel is to explore new things. Whenever you travel to a new place you get to encounter a new culture.
  • You become way more confident. You get to deal with unexpected problems and eventually, you tackle them. This makes you believe in yourself.
  • Traveling is a stress buster. It gives you break from your hectic schedule.
  • To every place, you go, you meet new people. You get a chance to socialize more and thus, make new friends.
  • Travelling makes you an interesting person. You always come across certain situations that you can relate to your travel stories. You turn out to be center of attraction by narrating your incidents.
  • You get memories for the lifetime. Moments vanish but memories stay forever. Make sure, you collect best memories.
  • It makes you a storyteller. You have got a bunch of experiences and so many ears too. Thus you can’t resist talking about your travel diaries.

Be a traveler instead of being a tourist

As I said traveling is not just for the sake of sightseeing, it’s about the miles you travel. The journey is always way more beautiful than the destination. Make it more adventurous by dropping your map and following your instincts. You think you will be lost but no you find a traveler within yourself.

Sit beside the shore, let the breeze hit your face and your soul. I have never been confronted by something more soothing than this. The harmony of waves hitting the shore is mellow music to ears. This place takes you to the world of your fantasies. This is my favorite one. Listening to the waves hitting to the shore brings you closer to your soul. This place seems like nature gives you a tranquil gaze.

Trek on the highest mountain, get your breath heavy, feel the wind and lighten your mind. Trekking is really fun. You do things, you have never done before. I know it is tiring but once you reach the top of the mountain or the hill, you will feel relaxed like never before. For a while, you are detached from the world and you are just stepping forward in the lap of mother nature. You will be tired enough but still, there will an urge in your soul to reach the destination and when you reach the top, it seems like you have conquered the world. Looking back from the top, makes you feel so elated

There is something really pretty about the sunrises and sunsets. The chirping of birds in the morning is a music to ears. I know waking up early is not easy but don’t waste the sunrises by sleeping. Seeing the sun spreading its shades through the clouds is divine. And then at the dawn, watch those mild sunsets. I have realized these sunsets are way more memorable part of your journey. So, watch as many sunrises and sunsets as you can at every new place and seek heaven on earth.

Explore the untraveled roads. Talking about the untraveled roads reminds of Robert Frost’s poem ‘The Road Not Taken’

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference”

The untraveled road holds untold stories. If you choose to scout out the less worn out road, you are heading for a great adventure. You don’t know where you will end up. All you know is the road you chose is leading you somewhere and you are enjoying every bit of it. Every instance is relatable to your life. This is what I love about traveling the most. Knowing there is no going back, you delicately make a choice and move forth. You make a choice and create a difference.

Explore like a local

There is something better than saving money, that is spending it on traveling. See the monasteries, or what about a pilgrimage to Mecca?, or visit the typical Hindu temples as in Vrindavan, basically explore different cultures, religions, and race of humans. Be the part of their festivals and rituals. A proverb says “When you are in Rome, be a Roman.” Wherever you go be the part of that place, you will fall for that place even more.

So, wherever you travel, try to be the native part of them. Reside in the local homes. Get dressed in their attire. Try to speak their language. Keep aside your forks and knives and eat the way locals eat. Respect their culture. Appreciate them and accept the things wholeheartedly. This the way you will enjoy even more.

The revamped traveler

There is no day like other when you travel. One day you find yourself relaxing in hot water springs and the other day you get frozen under the waterfalls. While traveling you count the miles you travel and then the memories. When you come back after traveling you carry along tones of giggles, experience, and stories for the lifetime. You are not just a traveler but a storyteller too. I never find myself narrating about my work, all I narrate are my travel diaries though they are about the miles that I covered ten years ago.

Every travel diary holds three words: Veni, Vidi, Amavi. Go tread the miles, travel as far as you can, meet new souls, explore a new culture, face difficulties, laugh, get into the dilemma or feel relaxed during your journey. But do make sure whenever you return back you are not the same person as you were before traveling.

There is not always “ home calling” but sometimes it’s a “new destination” that’s calling you.

Pay some heed to peace

If you need some peace and solitude, head your journey to Golden Temple, Amritsar. Although the city is crowded, there is a lot of hustle and bustle. But Golden Temple, such a blissful place it is. Also, it is believed that the Sarovar of Golden Temple absorbs all the vibes and radiates peace. The kind of relaxation you feel here is nowhere. It is way more different.

Ritika Dhamija:
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